Healthy Eating During Covid & April Food Celebrations
Peoples’ knowledge of Food Footprints & Healthy Eating has Increased During Covid!
It has been a year since Covid was found in North America, and people’s eating habits have become better. Consumers have become more knowledgeable of what they are eating, concerned about the health benefits of what they are eating! Soups From Me To You has always provided healthy and nutritious food!
April Food celebrations & Festive Family Meals
National Garlic Day is celebrated April 19, though most Chefs ‘celebrate” Garlic daily in all the different ways they can prepare Garlic – sautéed, roast, fresh, and many other ways! Or try garlic in Soups From Me To You Roasted Garlic Tomato Bisque.
National Bake Week is celebrated April 5 to 11! Bake something new, and for Gluten intolerant eaters, Soups From Me To You has great tips on baking gluten free in our Blog! (link to CCMag). Read our Feb 27 Blog to learn about International Breads.
April is a Month rich with events for large family festive meals. Easter for Christians, Thailand Songkran (family reunion) Festival, Chinese Chi’ing Ming Spring Festival, Ramadan starts in April, and Passover ends with a special meal. Soups From Me To You offers Soups & Sides that will help family and friends, celebrate many of these events.
Two days in April that use to be Special days to celebrate, have now become everyday occurrences and practices in most homes! April the 16th is “National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day”, and April 22 is designated as “National Take your Daughter & Sons to Work Day”. Who knew, with the Pandemic, we would be celebrating these two days with working at home and spending a little longer in PJ or lounge wear every day! Not to mention, our daughters and sons have been ‘home schooling” and daily get to hear their parent’s ‘business” zoom, teams, facetime, etc meetings! And of course, the kids are in the next room, and parents get to hear their ‘school’ zoom, teams, facetime, etc. meetings!
Check Out Our.. Bringing the New Soups From Me To You to YOU!
We have updated the Soups From Me to You website with new images of our products and adding more nutritional details. Selecting and ordering our delicious Soups and Sides is now easier! We know everyone likes a Sale, and we have added a Sale Tab with our monthly special listed, and made easy to order.
Soups From Me To You has celebrated the spirit of this event since the Company’s beginning. We have always used ingredients with no GMO and preservatives, and maintaining sustainability by using local vegetables and farm raised meat to make a great variety of tasty food. No same “old Soup” for our customers; we have such a great variety; you could enjoy a different Soup or Side for a week or two!
Our St Paddy’s Day Contest Winner – Crosby
Crosby’s mom, Jessie, told us Crosby just loves our Mom’s Traditional Split Pea Soup!
We have to admit he is our cutest winner yet! ( We have Jessie’s authorization to post his picture)
Did You Know…
April 22 is International Earth Day, an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries. The first Canadian Earth Day (Jour de la Terre) was held on Thursday, September 11, 1980, and was organized by Paul D. Tinari, then a graduate student in Engineering Physics/Solar Engineering at Queen’s University.
Soups From Me To You has celebrated the spirit of this event since the Company’s beginning. We have always used ingredients with no GMO and preservatives, and maintaining sustainability by using local vegetables and farm raised meat to make a great variety of tasty food. No same “old Soup” for our customers; we have such a great variety; you could enjoy a different Soup or Side for a week or two!
Have you heard we are now on Get In The Loop!
We have partnered with them to offer exclusive offers from their app. Use this QR code to sign up for our offers and other great local vendors as well.
Chef Liz