Nutrition Facts Valeur nutritive | |
Per 1 cup (240 ml) pour 1 tasse (240 ml) | |
Calories 40 | % Daily Value* % Valeur Quotidienne* |
Fat / Lipides g | % |
Saturated / Saturés g + Trans/ Trans g | % |
Carbohydrate / Glucides 2.3 g | |
Fibre / Fibres g | % |
Sugars / Sucres g | % |
Protein / Protéines 10 g | |
Cholesterol / Cholestérol mg | |
Sodium mg | % |
Potassium mg | % |
Calcium mg | % |
Iron / Fer mg | % |
*5% or less is a little, 15% or more is a lot *5% ou moins c'est peu, 15% ou plus c'est beaucoup |
Nutritional Information is based on our current data. However, because our products are all handcrafted in small batches, the data may change from time to time. Fresh ingredients are sourced locally as possible.
Opal –
My dog, Hudson, went bonkers for the bone broth the second my husband took the cubes out of the shopping bag – generally very mild mannered, the dog tried to steal the entire package!
Hudson is now OBSESSED and waits in the kitchen while his serving thaws on the counter.
Liz Pietrzak –
Thank you Opal and Hudson! I’m happy to hear that Hudson “woofed” down our doggie bone broth! Our dogs Koda and Meesha love it as well. Chef Liz